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About the plan

Find out in detail the main driving instruments for the economic and social recovery of the European Union and of Portugal.

Six European pillars

The vast majority of these funds will be allocated to supporting the modernization of various economic sectors, thus driving the economic and social recovery of all member states.

Another major pillar of this recovery instrument is based on ecological and digital priorities, boosting energy efficiency and innovation development.

The six European pillars are: Fighting climate change; Policies for the Next Generation; Social and Territorial Cohesion; Smart growth, sustainable and inclusive; Improve responsiveness and Crisis Preparedness; Digital Transformation.

Get to know the plan piece by piece

Based on the analysis of the different needs and challenges caused by the pandemic crisis, it was necessary to structure a plan that would ensure the recovery and resilience of the economy and society in a structured way.

With this premise in mind, the plan proposes an intervention in three distinct dimensions: Resilience, Climate Transition, and Digital Transition. These dimensions are implemented through 20 components which, in turn, comprise the implementation of several investments and reforms..










The Recovery and Resilience Plan is structured in three main intervention areas: Resilience, Climate Transition and Digital Transition.


Organisational elements of the Recovery and Resilience Plan that comprise investments aimed at tackling specific challenges aligned with strategic priorities.


Pivotal and strategic investment actions to be implemented by the Recovery and Resilience Plan in a very broad set of areas of the Citizen and Entities' lives.


List of reforms included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan to establish key conditions for the country's development.

The investments outlined in the Recovery and Resilience Plan are carried out by one or more public or private entities, described in this context as the investment beneficiaries.


Number of beneficiaries covered so far.


Number of projects already covered or under implementation by the beneficiaries

Expected investment amounts, by dimensions


Source AD&C, EMRP

Expected investment amounts, by dimensions

Expected investment amounts, by dimensions
Allocated amount to this Dimension Grants Loans
Resilience Dimension
15112678954,28 €"
9811422600,96 €"
5301256353,32 €"
Climate Transition Dimension
4387580700,63 €"
3798080700,63 €"
589500000 €"
Digital Transition Dimension
2715610658,98 €"
2715610658,98 €"
0 €"

Expected investment amounts, by dimensions



Dimension Resilience

Allocated amount to this Dimension

15112678954,28 €


9811422600,96 €


5301256353,32 €


Dimension Climate Transition

Allocated amount to this Dimension

4387580700,63 €


3798080700,63 €


589500000 €


Dimension Digital Transition

Allocated amount to this Dimension

2715610658,98 €


2715610658,98 €


0 €

Source AD&C, EMRP

European commitments

The European Union has agreed on a number of priorities that will shape the political agenda until 2024. These are designed to meet the biggest challenges facing Europe and its citizens, be they political, economic or social.

Europe has set its sights, among other priorities, on creating a future based on sustainability and the climate and digital transition, thereby devising mechanisms with funding policies for its member states. Under such programmes, such as the Resilience and Recovery and Resilience Plan, Portugal is committed to achieving these goals..

Climate commitment

Europe aspires to be the first climate-neutral continent, becoming a modern economy in terms of resource use.

Value assigned to Climate commitment:

9,1 billion €

Digital commitment

The EU's digital strategy is to enable people to be empowered through a new generation of technologies.

Value assigned to Digital commitment:

4,5 billion €

Recovery and Resilience Plan in detail

The Recovery and Resilience Plan is a strategic document with an agenda for the country's development in the coming years and which is worth discovering in detail.

Additional technical information Additional technical information

For more information, contact the mission structure “Recover Portugal”.

The 'Recover Portugal' Taskforce (Estrutura de Missão 'Recuperar Portugal') is the entity responsible for managing, monitoring and executing the entire strategy and priorities defined by the Recovery and Resilience Plan. If you need further clarification on the subject, the 'Recuperar Portugal' will be happy to help.
Visit Recover Portugal's website